pāṭhaḥ and prayatna


When the energies are one there is unity”

tulyāsya prayatnam savarṇam (pāṇini)

* Invoices will not be sent out until February but it would be very useful if you could register your interest straight by clicking above. 
* Only for those who have completed ‘The Sounds of Sanskrit ~ The Language of Yoga’. 

Course details:

• Learn the technique of combination and permutation found in the tradition of the veda, known as the pāṭhaḥ.

•  Learn to mix the words back and forth through the mantra creating new waves of rhythm and patterns of articulation. 

•   As the patterns increase in difficulty the mind finds it harder and harder to hold on as it finally relinquishes its grasp and opens to an alert receptivity.

•  Learn how to apply these permutations yourself through the śiva sūtra, gāyatrī and mṛtyuñjaya. Once mastered, the effects are exhilarating. 

• Also learn the internal measurements of effort. 

Course dates (All Saturdays):

5th March 

2nd April 

7th May

4th June


9.00–13.00 (following the  UK clock).


£160 (10% discount if also attending the grammar and meditation courses. Total package is then £369). 

Lucy Crisfield
grass field