The sounds of Sanskrit ~ spiral
Begins 27th April 2024
Three retreat days to enquire into the nature of the Self, through sound, enquiry, teachings, and silence.
Course beginning 27/4/24
retreat orientation
- For those who are new to this work, or for those who have joined a course in the past, this is a way of gently entering, or rejoining the spiral of knowing that Sanskrit offers.
- Through meditation, sound, enquiry and teachings, we will find an experiential reference point for the depth and breadth of the realm of sound, meaning and vision.
- We will also offer the mind a knowledge base that helps to embody further our experience.
- Orienting towards allowing the kernel of this teaching to arise within ourselves, we let go into the recognition of that which is already within.
And rest in the fluid and revelatory force of the sounds of Sanskrit, constantly responding to the requirements of the moment, as they gently guide us into itself.
spiral of knowing
Our points of enquiry will arise from the themes below which are all chapters from my book.
- svara: the celestial spirit of the veda
(It was the glints and glimmers of light within the svara that led me into the heart of mantra). - Sensing tantra, mantra, yantra
(The whisper of tantra was calling, and when I followed, I found the whisper of mantra and yantramalso beckoning me forth). - The golden dawn of gāyatrī
(I would be so bold as to say that every Indian national knows the gāyatrī mantra, and the majority of Westerners who have learnt a mantra would have learnt the gāyatrī, making it perhaps the most famous of all mantra to have ever existed.
Over the past twenty years of my own life, the glow of gāyatrī has cracked through the apparent solidity of form, dawning its hue of splendour in a myriad
of scented expressions.) - maheśvara: the cosmic dance of creation
(The dancing śiva – the effects of these sounds reverberate throughout the Sanskrit system and beyond. And the Lord of the dance sings forth.) - mātṛkā: held in the arms of the mother
(The mātṛkā are the energies that give expression to the fourteen Sanskrit vowels, and the two directions that a vowel can travel in, either outwards, or inwards.
Following their resonance we may find ourselves back in the sweet uninhibited embrace of the mother.)
- saṁkalpa: bringing the mother of the Gods to court
(The words “not guilty” rang like an explosion through my being. The English judicial system had been ignited with the force of a love so raw and fundamental that the crucible of its transformation now howled through me. The mother of the Gods had been brought to court.) - The āsya: the light rays of the Sanskrit language
(“Letters with the same articulation are one”, or to put it another way, “when the unity of the inherent efforts of our being are seen, equality prevails”) - The cosmos of the word
(How did ‘the Word’ become flesh? And where exactly does ‘the Word’ dwell amongst us? This elusive ‘Word’ is first mentioned by St. John in the opening of his gospel: “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God”. But what is ‘the Word’? And could turning to actual words help me to find the answer?) - The cosmos of the sentence
(Verbs and nouns are not just grammatical devices: they are a reflection of the fundamental and universal forces of the formless and form, of the unseen and seen, and of movement and stillness
Each sentence is an expression of the interplay between these forces, and everything that we think or express is contained within the structure of the sentence, and so the sentence cannot be separated from our experience of life.) - The four stages of speech: a voice unfolding
(As a child I couldn’t speak in front of most adults: I felt as though I had an impenetrable block in my throat and my being would freeze as I failed to produce a sound. -
(As I lay convulsing on the hospital floor, my body exploding with resistance, my jagged mind splintering, it didn’t appear that my year of meditation on the experience of surrender was throwing me much of a lifeline.)
spiral of knowing
- svara: the celestial spirit of the veda
(It was the glints and glimmers of light within the svara that led me into the heart of mantra). - Sensing mantra, tantra, yantra
(The whisper of tantra was calling, and when I followed, I found the whisper of mantra and yantra
also beckoning me forth). - The golden dawn of gāyatrī
(I would be so bold as to say that every Indian national knows the gāyatrī mantra, and the majority
of Westerners who have learnt a mantra would have learnt the gāyatrī, making it perhaps the most
famous of all mantra to have ever existed.Over the past twenty years of my own life, the glow of
gāyatrī has cracked through the apparent solidity of form, dawning its hue of splendour in a myriad
of scented expressions.) - maheśvara: the cosmic dance of creation
(The dancing śiva – the effects of these sounds reverberate throughout the Sanskrit system and beyond. And the Lord of the dance sings forth.) - mātṛkā: held in the arms of the mother
(The mātṛkā are the energies that gives expression to the fourteen Sanskrit vowels, and the two directions that a vowel can travel in, either outwards, or inwards.Following their resonance we may find ourselves back in the sweet uninhibited embrace of the mother.)
- saṁkalpa: bringing the mother of the Gods to court
(The words “not guilty” rang like an explosion through my being. The English judicial system had been ignited with the force of a love so raw and fundamental that the crucible of its transformation now howled through me. The mother of the Gods had been brought to court.) - The āsya: the light rays of the Sanskrit language
(“Letters with the same articulation are one”, or to put it another way, “when the unity of the inherent efforts of our being are seen, equality prevails”_ - The cosmos of the word
(How did ‘the Word’ become flesh? And where exactly was ‘the Word’ dwelling amongst us? This elusive ‘Word’ is first mentioned by St. John in the opening of his gospel: “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God”. But what is ‘the Word’? And could turning to actual words help me to find the answer?) - The cosmos of the sentence
(Not just grammatical devices, verbs and nouns, are a reflection of the fundamental and universal forces of the formless and form, of the unseen and seen, and of movement and stillness.Each sentence is an expression of the interplay between these forces, and everything that we think or express is contained within the structure of the sentence, and so the sentence cannot be separated from our experience of life.)
- The four stages of speech: a voice unfolding
(As a child I couldn’t speak in front of most adults: I felt as though I had an impenetrable block in my throat and my being would freeze as I failed to produce a sound. Surrender
As I lay convulsing on the hospital floor, my body exploding with resistance, my jagged mind splintering, it didn’t appear that my year of meditation on the experience of surrender was throwing me much of a lifeline.)
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About the Sanskrit language:
- Sanskrit literally means ‘the perfected sounds of of unity’ – every micro step of creation has been observed and reflected through it sound, and the entirety of its expression can be felt or known in a single moment.
- The ‘san’ of ‘Sanskrit’ is the etymological root of the English ‘same’, and it also carries the sense of being ‘refined’. Sanskrit therefore, is the refined vision of the imperfect mess we find ourselves in. Our passion, our wisdom, our love, our peace, our stability, all are refined, into one broken vision of wholeness through the Sanskrit sounds.
- Embodying the chaos of life living entirely through us, the sounds allow us to realise ourselves as life, perfectly done, flowing through this human form. And finally, we are free.
The Sanskrit language is an aid to:
- Understanding in depth the wisdom of the upaniṣad and the yoga sūtra.
- Understanding spiritual concepts which are not capable of accurate expression in English
- Purifying the mind through sound
- Understanding the laws of creation
- Learning sound meditations effective in tuning the mind so that it becomes a suitable vehicle for self-realisation
- Enlightening the experience of our own language.